
shedding the past

Actually, I suppose "shedding" might sound a little too active... I need some kind of passive verb. My past has been shed... I'm having a digital amnesia... My computer is shedding my past... OK. All that is just a flowery way to say that my external hard drive crashed, taking with it all digital photos and music, along with a significant portion of my writing. I wish I had been consistent with backups, but as it is my digital memory is full of holes. My iPod has also decided to leave this world, its death suspiciously coinciding with that of the source of its music...

Ah well. I knew this year was going to be all about getting a fresh start. This is just getting a little extreme, I think.


keauxgeigh said...

take it in stride, hon, it's the cost of the modern age. it's practice in letting go, in shedding skin. We digitize our lives and the medium crashes, and we start over. In the end, what information is left of us ordinary people is still more than what's left of information about people 100 years ago.

And, well, it's also a lesson to back things up. I've learned from one too many crashes to update my photos once a month. External hard drive, baby!

Anyway, I know it sucks, I'm just fishing for the positive slant.

cianna said...

It was an external hard drive... but I'm with you on the positive slant! I figure at least it's not bad to have my music collection to pre-recent-catastrophic-relationship. Like remembering who I was before I was all beat up.